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Question about the thermal imaging camera on a mobile phone

For the thermal imaging camera attached to a smartphone, there are some questions,

1: The screen imaging of the thermal imaging camera appears to be inverted.

Many users have reported that when using the SkyEye thermal imaging camera, the real-world orientation appears to be opposite to that of the thermal imaging screen. For example, when a person walks to the left, the image on the screen moves to the right. This is because the image rotation feature is enabled. To solve this problem, simply go to settings, disable the infrared image flip, and adjust the angle to 90 degrees to restore the correct screen orientation.”

2: Does the mobile thermal imager consume battery quickly

The fast battery consumption may be due to incorrect shutdown steps, leading to unnecessary battery drain, Before shutting down, first confirm whether the reverse charging mode of the SkyEye thermal imager is enabled. Check if there is a charging indicator in the upper right corner of the diamond screen. If there is, it means the reverse charging mode is enabled. Press and hold the laser button in front of the handle for 3 seconds to disable it. Then press and hold the power button in the upper left corner of the diamond screen for 3 seconds, and click the power button on the screen to shut down correctly

3:How to adjust the clarity of the thermal imaging camera?

The clarity of the SkyEye thermal imaging camera can be adjusted by adjusting the lens. The SkyEye X series mobile thermal imaging camera is equipped with an adjustable focus lens. Simply rotate the lens gently to find the clearest image.

4:The difference between red-eye and green-eye modes on the thermal imaging camera?

In the SkyEye thermal imaging camera screen, red-eye and green-eye respectively represent different modes. The red-eye mode is the thermal source highlighting mode, which makes the heat source more prominent in the image. On the other hand, the green-eye mode is the high-definition mode, suitable for use in scenes that require higher resolution. You can flexibly choose between these two modes based on your needs and the terrain